Native American Languages
Native Languages*
- Algonquian
- Algonquin
- Arapaho
- Abenaki
- Penobscot
- Alenaki
- Blackfeet
- Cheyenne
- Chippewa-Ojibwa/Ojibwe
- Ottawa
- Saulteaux
- Cree
- Delaware
- Munsee
- Unami
- Unalachtigo
- Fox
- Kickapoo
- Sac/Sauk
- Illinois
- Miami
- Massachusett
- Malecite
- Menominee
- Micmac
- Montagnais
- Munsee
- Nanticoke
- Narragansett
- Naskapi
- Passamaquoddy
- Pottawattamie
- Powhatan
- Shawnee
- Algic
- Yurok
- Wiyot
- Atakapa
- Caddoan
- Arikara
- Ouachita/Washita
- Pawnee
- Wichita
- Coastanoan
- Havasupai
- Iroquois
- Cherokee
- Iroquois
- Mohawk
- Oneida
- Tuscarora
- Karamkawa
- Kutenai
- Lutuamian
- Klamath
- Modoc
- Muskogee
- Chickasaw
- Chocataw/Choctaw/Chactaw
- Creek
- Seminole
- Mikasuki
- Seminole
- Na-Dene
- Eyak
- Haida
- Tlingit
- Athabaskin
- Apache
- Chiricahua
- Chipewyan
- Jacarilla
- Kaska
- Koyukon
- Kutchin
- Navajo
- Dine
- Nicoleño
- Numic
- Shoshone
- Comanche
- Goshute
- Shoshone
- Oto-Manguean
- Mazatec
- Mixtec
- Otomi
- Zapotec
- Penutian
- Costanoan
- Maidu
- Miwok
- Wintu
- Yokuts
- Sahaptin
- Nez Percé
- Salishan
- Bella Coola
- Chinook
- Coeur d'Alêne
- Flatheads
- Kalispel-Pend d'Oreille
- Puyallup
- Salish
- Seneca
- Cayuga
- Onandaga
- Seneca
- Tuscaroras
- Siouian
- Crow
- Dakota/Lakota/Nakota
- Assiniboin
- Brule
- Yankton
- Santee
- Mdewakanton
- Sisseton
- Wahpekute
- Wahpeton
- Hidatsa
- Iowa
- Dhegihi Siouan
- Chiwere
- Kansa
- Omaha
- Osage
- Ponca
- Quapaw
- Pawnee
- Mandan
- Miniconju
- Ogalala
- Oto/Otoe
- Sioux
- Teton
- Hunkpapa
- Winnebago
- Toanoan
- Tewa
- Uto-Aztecan
- Bannock
- Cahuilla
- Northern Paiute
- Pagado
- Papago
- Paiute/Piute
- Pima
- Southern Paiute
- Ute (Shoshoean stock)
- Wakashan
- Kwakiutl
- Makah
- Wintun
- Patwin
- Yuman
- Maricopa
- Mohave (Mojave)
- Yavapai
- Hokan (regrouping)
- Chumash
- Pomo
- Yana
- Unknown
- Anasazi
- Gros Ventre
- Hopi
- Ho Chunk
- Hohokam
- Kaayellii Dine
- Miccousukee
- Kumeyaay
- Pueblo
- Tonkawa
- Tsistsistas
- Walla Walla
- Wanapam
- Yupik (Alaska)
- Yupit
- Walla Walla
- Wanapam
- More
- Abenoki
- Apoloche
- Atsinga
- Batiquitos
- Biloxi
- Chetco
- Chumash
- Colusa
- Coos
- Cusaba
- Delaware
- Gabrieling
- Huron
- Lenape
- Montagnis
- Miami
- Neskapi
- Ohlane
- Okechobee
- Ottowa
- Pennacook
- Pequot
- Pomo
- Powhatan
- Salinon
- Siuslaw
- Soriano
- Tolowa
- Wehuilteron Tribes
- Yamasee
- Yuki
- Zuni
Continue Reading 
- Native Intro
- Native History
- Vásquez de Coronado's Attack on the Natives
- Sacagawea and the Lewis & Clark Expedition
- Native Nations Index
- Native Languages Tree
- Omaha Nation