List of PowWows does not exist for year 2025 expected to be in ../common/php/

Bellevue Population: 50,137*


Historic Bellevueans

   J. S. Allen
   S. D. Bangs
   Maj. Barrow
   Hiram Bennett
   Isaiah N. Bennett
   Francis Burt
   F. Calkins
   H. T. Clarke
   Col.  Stephen Decatur
   Mr. Dunbar
   Mr. Ellis
   William R. English
   John Finney
   C. D. Keller
   George Nepner
   William R. English
   A. C. Ford
   James M. Galewood
   William Gilmer
   James Gow
   Esquire Griffin
   Rev.  Mr. Hamilton
   A. W. Hollister
   L. B. Kinney
   Manuel Lesa
   Col. R. Lovejoy
   Walter Lowrie
   M. S. Martyn
   Rev.  Edward McKinney
   P. J. McMahon
   Julius (J.) Sterling Morton
   George Nepner
   D. E. Reed
   Gen. Peter A. Sarpy
   C. E. Smith
   S. A. Strickland
   J. A. Thompson
   George T. Turner
   Dr. Upjohn
   Watson brothers
   W. W. Wiley


NE Neighbors

•    Nebraska
•    Iowa
•    Missouri
•    Kansas
•    Colorado
•    Wyoming
•    South Dakota


Tip: Return to your last location

Strategic Air and Space Museum.

The Strategic Air and Space Museum used to be on Offutt Air Force Base near the Bellevue exit.  It now has a new home in western Sarpy County at the Interstate exit at Ashland near the Lee Simmons Conservation and Wildlife Safari.

Offutt Air Force Base itself was once the manufacturing plant for planes flown in World War II. Those planes are also on display at the museum.

Flying the SR-71 may be old hat to some but for most of us, just seeing one close up causes Goosebumps.  Once the top secret plane of the Air Force, it is now on display in the Atrium.  Even though we fly several more recent planes, the SR-71 Blackbird holds the speed record for being the fastest plane.  During flight, the plane heats up and stretches out a tiny bit so the joints had to accommodate this expansion.  A lot of new technology was developed just for this plane.  The same applies to the B-1 bomber plane.  For the longest time the plane wasn't flown, but the technology we learned in developing the aircraft helped other endeavors.  Recently, the B-1 has been put to good use.

The museum has examples of just about every important aircraft ever used in the Air Force from the B-52 bombers to the planes that carried the nuclear bomb that ended World War II.

This Tour will make any kid's day and any adult too.  More information.


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